
The First Step

       Lately, I have been clouded with numerous thoughts on situations I found myself in. Every other day brings a new challenge or a reality that I may not be ready to face, and then there are days when the smile on my face doesn't fade.        Can you answer me something? Have you felt like giving up on something that has become mundane or doesn't interest you anymore, but you hold back and stay put? So did I, until one day, I decided not anymore.        Today, I came across a few coding videos when revisiting my archives from four years ago. I went through all of them and relived the moments I had before, which filled me with joy. In one of the videos, I saw one question in the background that read,  "What would you do if you weren't afraid?"  which led me to write this blog. My immediate reaction after reading the question was to skydive to lose my fear of heights. I gave it a thought and realized six months before that I had given up on the job that I was in


       I was lost in her dreamy eyes, holding her in my arms; a surge of emotions rushed through my veins, and I realized that this is what happiness is to me—a heartfelt moment with the people I love and hold dear.         It was 7 in the morning when I received a call from my beloved, and she asked me to come and pick her up. I instantly got ready similar to the quick montage of Edgar Wright movies. I sped up the bike and couldn't wait much longer to see her; I reached the location seeking her. My eyes fixated on her as soon as she got into my sight. She stood there in her white pajamas, her hair glowing as the sun rose behind her, rubbing her hands against each other on the cold winter morning. She looked stunning. I got off my bike and hugged her tight, whispering, "I missed you." She replied, "I know, bub."         Back home, I made tea for her, trying to get her off the coffee spree she had been on for the past couple of days. Thus, I had to make the best

Yours Sincerely

       Do you want to know what got me restless at 4:20 am when the world shuts its eyes into a slumber? A movie called  "The Lift Boy."  What a wonderful creation of beautiful cinematography and a simple story of a boy who learns life lessons while being a lift operator. I wouldn't have come across this masterpiece if it wasn't for my bub; I love you so goddamn much.        While watching the movie, there were flashes of a particular person to whom I want to dedicate this blog. It was December of 2019, and I had interviewed for the position of trainee content writer without any prior experience or degree related to the job. All I knew was to play video games, edit photos on photoshop, and daydream about any and everything. HR decided to give me a chance after my test for the job, and I started my career in the first week of January 2020. I was nervous, biting off my nails, trying to adjust to the so-called corporate surrounding. I was getting trained under a senior w

Untimely Rain

       A summer evening, clouded by gray, came down with the fury of rain spilling over the weekend's plan of my colleagues spreading a frown on their face. Whereas, I had a big smile as I wanted to leave the office and enjoy the downpour, keeping my yearly streak of enjoying the first rain. I rushed towards my bike and headed towards JM Road, as I was heavily craving a cup of tea along with my favorite vada pav near Bal Gandharva Rang Mandir.        Finding my way through the traffic, I finally reached Khatri Wadewale. I excitingly placed the order, rubbing my palms against each other as I shivered in the cold. Soon, I found myself laughing at myself, sipping on the hot tea, and enjoying the delicious vada pav. I was lost in thoughts, thinking that after several months, I did something out of sheer madness only to eat my favorite snacks in the first rain, and look, it worked. I am sitting at my usual place, where I would hang out after my designing classes, writing this blog, and


        One year ago, I texted a girl, not knowing it was her birthday; I'm glad that I did. Here we are, madly in love, being with each other in all the ups and downs. She became a vital part of my life, and now I can't even imagine a life without her.         We started talking, and I was keen on finding a common interest. However, we always argued about our opinions, and we still do. It's funny looking back; we had debates over movies, songs, books, comics, and so many things. Finally, the day came when we decided to meet, and I did not go because of the rain. She was so angry at me as I didn't even inform her, and honestly, I was nervous. This happened twice, but the third time's the charm. We met without deciding I showed up beneath her hostel after finding it over maps, and as soon as she saw me, she came towards me and hugged me, and I didn't; I was way too shy back then. I was so happy to be able to meet her finally.         Time passed by. We started me

The Stupid & The Fur-midable Cat

Today 10 minutes after midnight, I rushed towards my rooftop. I was feeling anxious. I just needed some fresh air. Unfortunately, It was raining heavily, so I sat on the stairs and; I puked. I wasn't feeling well; everything happened in a fraction of minutes, and I couldn't help myself. I was trying to get ahold of myself, and I heard constant chirrups from the cat, who has been visiting us for a month. The cat was outside the door of the rooftop, and I quickly let him in. He was shivering with cold. I held him in my arms while I rubbed his back to create some warmth. I took him downstairs and rested him in the box house that my grandfather made for him. I was back on the rooftop, not caring for the rain as I stood in the rain trying; to calm myself down. After a while, when I came back to my room, I checked on the cat, and; he was sleeping well. It struck me in a spur of a moment; I held a cat in my hand, and it was quite astonishing for me. I am scared of pet a

The Fortunate Series Of Events

       I was playing Fortnite with my squad, and we were about to win. My phone rang. I was surprised as Chappu video called, which she never did before. I picked it up; she said, 'Hie, what are you doing?' 'I am playing Fortnite. What...' She cut my words and said, 'We have a surprise for you.' She turned her rear camera on and, it was my boo holding her guitar, strumming looking at me. I left the game as I smiled at her. Boo said, 'So I have written a song for you, and here it is.' I had an aww moment in my Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, haha. She sang it to me, and with every word that she joyfully played to a tune in a rhythm, I wanted to run towards her and hug her. I blushed and thanked her for such a fantastic song that she wrote and sang. We then had a little lovey-dovey talk. After the call ended, I got up from the chair, ran to my rooftop, and squealed in joy. The sky was overspread with saffron and purple shade to add the cherry on top

Light In The Darkness

       I was standing in the kitchen holding a glass of water; as I looked at the water, it sank me into waves of thoughts, they were scary, weird & I felt myself flowing with them. I was losing myself; I heard a harsh noise of glass breaking; I snapped out of my thoughts. “Babe, I’m so sorry; I was in a hurry, didn’t notice that you were holding the glass. I’ll clear it up.” She said rapidly. It took me a while to note what happened, as my thoughts were still clinging to the back of my mind. “Hey sweetie, it’s okay, here; let me help you.” As we both collected the shattered pieces of glass and dumped them into the dustbin, she uttered, “Adi, I’m nervous, I don’t know how my interview will go, would they select me, what if they don’t, and what should I say if they do.” She expressed her concerns. I pulled her close to me, help her in my arms, and kissed her forehead, “Deep breaths, relax. You’ll get the job, I’m sure of it, now hurry, you don’t want to be late, also travel safely.”