
       One year ago, I texted a girl, not knowing it was her birthday; I'm glad that I did. Here we are, madly in love, being with each other in all the ups and downs. She became a vital part of my life, and now I can't even imagine a life without her.

       We started talking, and I was keen on finding a common interest. However, we always argued about our opinions, and we still do. It's funny looking back; we had debates over movies, songs, books, comics, and so many things. Finally, the day came when we decided to meet, and I did not go because of the rain. She was so angry at me as I didn't even inform her, and honestly, I was nervous. This happened twice, but the third time's the charm. We met without deciding I showed up beneath her hostel after finding it over maps, and as soon as she saw me, she came towards me and hugged me, and I didn't; I was way too shy back then. I was so happy to be able to meet her finally.

       Time passed by. We started meeting often, and on one elegant evening when it wasn't raining, we decided to have tea together. When I got near her hostel, it started raining as said in the universe, but we still went out and had tea and dosa. When we returned to her hostel, we jinxed and kissed each other on the cheeks, which felt magical. I had shivers, not from the cold but the kiss, and I knew this would be amazing.

       She was there with me when I had to get rid of my hair when I lost a challenge, and she was there when I shared my thoughts with her. She made it easy for me to embrace myself; she helped me with my fears. She got me into anime, and thank you for that, and she started picking out my outfits, as I am always in shorts and t-shirts (which I still am.) There are so many memories I want to talk about, but each one deserves a separate blog.

       We have had our share of ups and downs, and we always get through it, and now she's turning 21, and I couldn't be happier for her. I wish I were there with her celebrating her birthday, but we live in pandemic times. I've so much to say, yet words are falling less. Thank you so much, boo, for being there for me. Keep growing, and keep that smile on your face, which suits you the best. Happiest, Happiest, happiest birthday!!!! And a very happy Textiversary.


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