Yours Sincerely

       Do you want to know what got me restless at 4:20 am when the world shuts its eyes into a slumber? A movie called "The Lift Boy." What a wonderful creation of beautiful cinematography and a simple story of a boy who learns life lessons while being a lift operator. I wouldn't have come across this masterpiece if it wasn't for my bub; I love you so goddamn much.

       While watching the movie, there were flashes of a particular person to whom I want to dedicate this blog. It was December of 2019, and I had interviewed for the position of trainee content writer without any prior experience or degree related to the job. All I knew was to play video games, edit photos on photoshop, and daydream about any and everything. HR decided to give me a chance after my test for the job, and I started my career in the first week of January 2020. I was nervous, biting off my nails, trying to adjust to the so-called corporate surrounding. I was getting trained under a senior writer, gradually learning every aspect of business writing. One week passed. I survived but always felt a void as I wasn't getting entirely comfortable. I thought to myself, how am I going to do this? People here are different, and it feels very awkward at times.

       A helping hand came to my rescue who came to my desk and said, "Is everything okay?" I replied, "Yes, this is all very new to me; feeling nervous, that's all." The person replied, "It's going to be alright; if you need anything, I am right here, two chairs away." Thus began a beautiful camaraderie that has deepened its root in my life to the extent that I call him my brother. But, life is a tragedy filled with a journey that demands you to do more. We both lost our job during COVID-19 as it was easy for the company to eliminate the new joiners. We used to meet every week and talk about different things, trying to help each other out in one way or the other. And one day, he had to leave the town as he was running out of funds to survive; however, I knew he'd be back.

       We both were struggling but had each other's back. He returned to the same job he had before, and in the times of horror of the pandemic, finding a job was difficult, let alone suffice on it. He approached me for the same after a month or two when the things at the office were stable. I was in a mess and had no choice as I didn't even have the experience to apply to another company. He vouched for me and our new team leader also gave me a chance, and I proved myself to be worthy of it with every challenge.

       The breeze kept flowing through the seasons, and I completed a year alongside a few fantastic personalities. But, every journey has its end; our team lead left bestowing the team in my hand. It wasn't as easy as I thought, and I struggled with it, but I always had my brother from another mother at every step supporting and helping me with significant decisions.

       We had come a long way, and I still remember that time when we discussed poetry at night or the time they longed for my homemade sandwiches. Loads of work followed the everyday banter and dinner. God! I miss the good ol' days. On the last day of his job, we went out for lunch, where he shared a thing that he never did before. He said, "The world is tiny, Aditya. Your grandfather helped my father at his first job and taught him everything that elevated his career. And here we are carrying the legacies of our ancestors." I laughed, but he knew many emotions were hidden behind it. I said, "Let's hope our kids do the same." We finished our lunch and hugged. I couldn't hold back my tears, as I wasn't losing a colleague but an elder brother who always looked after me.

       In my early days of writing, I would reach out to him after writing every introduction to ask for quick feedback. I disturbed him a lot, but he never refused to help. And tonight, while watching the movie, I was moved and had to write this blog for him. "It is not always about the destination; it is always about the journey."

       He will always remain a significant part of my journey. I have learned one thing today, wherever you are in your life: having good people around you is necessary. They might not have solutions to everything, but they will always have your back keeping goodwill at the forefront and extending their helping hand at every other corner.

Here's to life, good people, and my brother Sourabh! Cheers!

I miss you.


  1. We will cross our destiny again and leave behind a mark forever.


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