
       I was lost in her dreamy eyes, holding her in my arms; a surge of emotions rushed through my veins, and I realized that this is what happiness is to me—a heartfelt moment with the people I love and hold dear.

       It was 7 in the morning when I received a call from my beloved, and she asked me to come and pick her up. I instantly got ready similar to the quick montage of Edgar Wright movies. I sped up the bike and couldn't wait much longer to see her; I reached the location seeking her. My eyes fixated on her as soon as she got into my sight. She stood there in her white pajamas, her hair glowing as the sun rose behind her, rubbing her hands against each other on the cold winter morning. She looked stunning. I got off my bike and hugged her tight, whispering, "I missed you." She replied, "I know, bub."

Back home, I made tea for her, trying to get her off the coffee spree she had been on for the past couple of days. Thus, I had to make the best tea she had tasted in days. Gladly it worked. We cuddled and talked for hours, going back and forth with several things. I couldn't have asked for anything more on a Sunday than her being with me all the time. She kept telling me about her weekend, how things were going on at work, the new people she had met, and her strange experiences. I kept listening throughout and couldn't help but adore her all the time. She rubbed her nose against me several times as she was having a cold, and it felt funnier in my head every time.

       As the sun came over our heads, we decided to return to her place as soon as we finished the delicious chocolate cornetto. We talked, sang, and cursed some people for idiotic driving skills. The day kept getting better and better. After a few chores, we rested for a while and went out in the evening to satisfy the quick craving for Pani Puri. As we got back, out of nowhere, I got a call from a friend asking can we dance at his wedding. We were excited and quickly agreed, and guess what? We immediately started dancing to various songs; we laughed like crazy when she kept twirling me infinitely. We danced everywhere, on the bed, in the kitchen, and we sparked and kissed for what felt like an eternity. I was lost in her dreamy eyes, holding her in my arms; a surge of emotions rushed through my veins, and I realized that this is what happiness is to me—a heartfelt moment with the people I love and hold dear.

       The day ended because society's rules don't allow me to stay at her place after 8 pm. On my way back home, I didn't feel clouded with any thoughts; a burdenless ride, listening and dancing to random songs, the feeling was unmatched. I cherished these moments wholeheartedly. What a day!

       As I pen these words, I am happy to share my story with you guys. I am deeply inclined to ask you all a simple question about what happiness is to you.

       In the past few days, I have encountered several strangers, observed people from every day and age, and talked to them about what makes them happy. For some, it was visiting their parents, and for some, it was spending time with their pets. One said the habit of losing yourself in a well-written novel, and the other said painting on canvas. For some, it was playing video games, and some even said yoga. Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes; we only have to accept it as it is.

       Happiness isn't something we seek to find, but it seeks you. We all have our happy place, but how often do we go there? Lately, making tea has become a new happiness for me, which carries on to cheese sandwiches too. I know I am putting my heart into it, which is worthwhile.

       Go out there! Wave a hand to a stranger, smile at the first face you see in the morning, crack a lame joke during office hours, or lay down and read this blog! As my favorite Drew Barrymore once said, and I quote, "Happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful."

Hi there! Beautiful!


  1. Keep your loved ones closer, that's the best reason for happiness. I mean the world for my mom-dad, and I want to explore the world with them. Ya, that's happiness to me.

  2. Happiness to me right now is talking to a friend one odd evening and realizing how much you missed their presence throughout. Well always in love with Aditya Gaikar's content! ❤🤗

  3. Hehhehe! Thank you so much Shrutika!!!


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