The Stupid & The Fur-midable Cat

Today 10 minutes after midnight, I rushed towards my rooftop. I was feeling anxious. I just needed some fresh air. Unfortunately, It was raining heavily, so I sat on the stairs and; I puked. I wasn't feeling well; everything happened in a fraction of minutes, and I couldn't help myself. I was trying to get ahold of myself, and I heard constant chirrups from the cat, who has been visiting us for a month. The cat was outside the door of the rooftop, and I quickly let him in. He was shivering with cold. I held him in my arms while I rubbed his back to create some warmth. I took him downstairs and rested him in the box house that my grandfather made for him. I was back on the rooftop, not caring for the rain as I stood in the rain trying; to calm myself down. After a while, when I came back to my room, I checked on the cat, and; he was sleeping well. It struck me in a spur of a moment; I held a cat in my hand, and it was quite astonishing for me. I am scared of pet animals, even dogs, for that matter. With cats, I have had an enmity since childhood. I was mesmerized at the moment when my friend's pet cat never let me in their house. Cats are SCARY! A month ago, this random stray cat visited us at evening 6, which is routinely tea time at my household. My grandfather fed him milk and bread. Since then, he started to show up daily. I tried hanging with him, but he always hisses at me. Hitherto cats and I are enemies for life. Now the cat becoming part of our family even though we never get along. For more whatever it is worth, I am gratified I had the cat with me. I needed to distract myself from all the pain I was going through. Likewise, the cat was fortunate that I was there at that moment. We were there for each other when we needed the most. As all these thoughts were running through my mind, I felt like I can grasp him again. I ran towards the box and tried to pick him up, and he growled back at me. I got scared. He is one scary cat, and now we are both following the one rule that John Wick movies stated, no killing under the Continental. Hahahaha! That is ludicrous. A little different from my usual blogs, but it was a joy to write about this incident. More blogs, coming to you as collaboration. I am excited and curious about how it turns out to be? Till then, stay safe, stay well.


  1. Would love to read more such blogs adi. This is beautiful 🤩

  2. New member in the family will like to meet maau and also you @didu...............
    I always loved to read your blogs...........


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