The Fortunate Series Of Events

       I was playing Fortnite with my squad, and we were about to win. My phone rang. I was surprised as Chappu video called, which she never did before. I picked it up; she said, 'Hie, what are you doing?' 'I am playing Fortnite. What...' She cut my words and said, 'We have a surprise for you.' She turned her rear camera on and, it was my boo holding her guitar, strumming looking at me. I left the game as I smiled at her. Boo said, 'So I have written a song for you, and here it is.' I had an aww moment in my Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, haha. She sang it to me, and with every word that she joyfully played to a tune in a rhythm, I wanted to run towards her and hug her. I blushed and thanked her for such a fantastic song that she wrote and sang. We then had a little lovey-dovey talk. After the call ended, I got up from the chair, ran to my rooftop, and squealed in joy. The sky was overspread with saffron and purple shade to add the cherry on top, making me miss her even more.

       Lately, it has been a joyful atmosphere in our home. My very strict grandmother when it comes to girls. Every friend that has met her, grandma always had a series of questions arranged for them. I swear she is an interrogating officer in a parallel universe. I had stayed with my 'Aaji' since I was one. She has been looking after me since then. She is a sweetheart when she is delighted but also gets mean when she is furious. I love her from my core. One thing that I've never seen her doing is getting comfortable around my friends, especially girls. Since the pandemic had begun, Boo and I almost daily are on video call blabbing all the time. On one pleasant evening, when I talked to boo, I thought, let's introduce her to my grandmother, and so I did. The reaction I received from my Aaji was so distinctive from the previous ones. She got along with boo so quickly, and now they are like buddies. Nowadays, they both team up against me, and even my grandfather joined her side, and I am left wondering what the hell just happened? Grandmother always greets her and addresses boo as a kiddo, and that's funny to hear it from her. Aaji had her doubts, but it's now clear that boo is my girlfriend, and she never makes it awkward for her. Even though my boo panicked a little at the start, they can now talk for hours. I can't forget that evening when they both crooned a lullaby together, and it was so precious.

       Who would have thought my grandmother would be singing along with the woman I love? More than laugh, they share joy. More than teasing me, they team up together. More than advice, they bestow their rights. More than talks, they make memories. I admire them both very much. I can't wait for the day when they both meet in person, and I'll sit in front of them listening to their conversation. 

Until next time, Peace.


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