Light In The Darkness

       I was standing in the kitchen holding a glass of water; as I looked at the water, it sank me into waves of thoughts, they were scary, weird & I felt myself flowing with them. I was losing myself; I heard a harsh noise of glass breaking; I snapped out of my thoughts. “Babe, I’m so sorry; I was in a hurry, didn’t notice that you were holding the glass. I’ll clear it up.” She said rapidly. It took me a while to note what happened, as my thoughts were still clinging to the back of my mind. “Hey sweetie, it’s okay, here; let me help you.” As we both collected the shattered pieces of glass and dumped them into the dustbin, she uttered, “Adi, I’m nervous, I don’t know how my interview will go, would they select me, what if they don’t, and what should I say if they do.” She expressed her concerns. I pulled her close to me, help her in my arms, and kissed her forehead, “Deep breaths, relax. You’ll get the job, I’m sure of it, now hurry, you don’t want to be late, also travel safely.” She left for the interview, and I closed the door behind me. The capricious notion of writing a blog sprung across my mind. I grasped my pen and notebook along with some snacks. I wrote an introduction, and I found myself lost in thoughts again. It felt darkness cowering her way from behind and succumbed me into the void. It was dark and shallow; the more I walked into the iniquity, the harder it was for me to see the light. I saw some weird creatures gazing at me with their red eyes, and there was hunger in them to devour my soul. It scared me, I wanted to run, but I couldn’t my legs feel onerous, I was drowning in this black water that came out of nowhere and, this continued went for hours.

       I heard a voice that was coming from a far distance. My fears, my nightmares, my darkness had occupied my thoughts completely. I felt my heart was pounding fast, and I started to fall into a void. When I was about to splat on the ground, I felt a soft touch on my skin, and I heard a whisper, “Hey sleepyhead, get up.” I rubbed my eyes, and I got releasing that I slept while writing the blog and had a stupidly weird dream. My face was restless. She noticed it; she latched herself into my laps and hugged me. She said, “you had a weird dream, right?” We both talked about it and, she helped me figure the dreams out. After a while, we both freshened up, had our dinner, and we headed to sleep.

       I realized something is missing here, and that’s when she said, “Babe, I got the job.” A wave of happiness ran at me. I rushed towards her, kissed her forehead and said, “I’m so proud of you, babe, but also I’m a dumb ass, I forgot about that. I’m sorry. Let’s celebrate.” She replied, “I know, I know.” I asked her to relax on the couch while she watched some opera. I went into the kitchen and made cheese sandwiches for her. We had a cheesy time eating those sandwiches, pun intended.

       I realized one thing that day, even when I’m falling apart, going through a terrible phase, or just having a mere writer’s block. Her cheerful attitude brings me back. She has been supportive since day one, when we hardly knew each other. Now she has become an essential part of my life. A little more than friendship, a little less than lovers, she is my soul twin, my Boo.


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