Everybody Else's Girl

       It was rainy, mildly. My two friends and I were out on a search for back covers for their mobile phones. While I was sitting on the bike's back seat, enjoying the rain while nodding my head to the tune of 'Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede. We passed by a girl who was holding the red and white polka dot umbrella. I looked behind just to see her face, I couldn't. I tapped my friend's shoulder, saying, 'Bro, bro, bro isn't that your friend standing out over there. Turn around, let's meet her'. He replied, 'Chill, dude, let's confirm that. What got you that excited?' I murmured, 'Just check, please.' I just wanted to punch him. He turned the bike, and we went to check on her, and luckily it was her. I was so sure about that. 'I am awesome. I knew it, I knew it, that was her, oh yeah,' I said in my mind.

       Arnika, the most charming, beautiful by heart person I've ever known. Also, she is crazy. At that time, I've just met her twice before that rainy day. Since the day I've met her, I've always adored her. A girl with big eyes, a broad smile, and a small face looked like Mila Kunis if she wore any western outfit. Oh, I could go on and on about her; I've got to tell you about her.

       Top of my mind, there comes this day where we had a fight which I never thought we would ever do. We haven't had a talk for 3 weeks. One noon I received a text from her.

'Heyyy' to which I replied,

'Hey, you. 

'Tonight at 7. Pani Puri, care to join?' She asked. 

And I said, 'Sure, I'll be there.'

       I had a smile on my face. I'm gonna see her again. Are you kidding me? That too, just us both? How cool is that? The excitement in me was reaching its peak, which turned to nervousness as I thought, What am I going to say? What should I wear? Usual 3/4th pants or jeans. Shirt or t-shirt? I was confused. And I went to meet her, having no clue how stupid I was looking.

       I reached the place 10 minutes prior. I sat on my bike, waiting for her and looking at the surrounding. After a few minutes, my heart surged, and it started beating faster than usual. I knew she was close by. I looked here and there and everywhere, and I saw her coming towards me. She looked gorgeous in that pinkish brown sweater and black jeans. I was surprised as she didn't tie her hair. She was approaching me with her bag on her back and a big smile on her face. The sight I'll never forget. She greeted me with a hug, and I froze. I had no idea what to do. I couldn't even hold her back. It was new to me. She looks at me and says, 'How are you, sweetie?' 'I am good and also hungry.' I said it awkwardly as I was still getting back from the hug.

As we were walking towards the there, she says, 'Stop.' She turns at me and tucks my t-shirt upside under a jacket. Then we continued to walk. My mind was crowded with thoughts. "Shit, Did I just embarrass myself? Adi? Can't you do one thing properly?" I kept asking myself. We ordered 2 plates of Pani Puri and 1 of Shev Puri. First of all, she ate like a little kid and making noises and then complementing the food. I was just watching her, wondering can this moment be cuter. Little did I know I was blushing. After a small quarrel over the last Puri, we broke it and settled on the Masala Puri that followed.

'Hey, Thank you for calling me today. The evening couldn't be better. I said.

       She sighed and said, 'I am glad too that I did need some break from the schedule.' 'Well, this was fun; let's do this soon again. I thought now. We would take leave. She laughed maniacally and said, 'Oh hello, you are not going anywhere soon. And she sat on my bike and said, 'Let's go to the park.' I nodded my head into yes. She kept her hand on my shoulders, and that was unexpected. Teenage and its perks of being stupid all came along with me. I felt shy. We were at the park sitting on a bench. It was cold, and I was shivering. 'Adi, why didn't you text me past 3 weeks?' She asked. 'We had a fight. So I thought you didn't want to talk to me as I said something I wasn't supposed to'. I replied. She holds and palms together and starts to rub them on hers to make me warm as she said, 'You are still a kid, you know that right. Scared to face the world. So you do childish things to make up for it, which I adore, but you have to grow up. Just think we had a fight, and now we are discussing it three weeks later, but we should have done it the next day itself. I am sorry too, but we are good now. And also I am going to be mean to you if you don't listen to the things which I will tell you about your good'. 'Sorry, I never meant that. It was just a fraction of a moment that came to mind, and I said it'. She smiled at me and said, 'Time to go.' I finally gathered the courage to hold her hand, and I said, 'Can I drop you at home?' She nodded her head. I dropped her at her home, and we greeted each other good night.

       On my way back home, I kept thinking about the evening. I still wonder about that day. Arnika, the keeper. She always met everyone with a smile on her face, even if she was hurt inside. She ever had put other's comfort before hers. Arnika taught me life is simple if you keep it that way. The world is how you choose to see it, and you see it beautiful if you are gorgeous inside. Society will be mean to you, and someday you'll too doesn't mean you should stop doing good. But also look after yourself and your happiness. Be selfless but also have self-respect.

She was everybody else's girl. I miss you.


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