There For Me

       I closed the curtain behind me and sat down on the couch, wondering about my life and how I got myself in this situation. A drop of tear shed from my left eye-rolling down my face. I succumbed to my darkness. My phone began to ring, I looked over the name on the screen it was him, and unknowingly all the sadness I was drowned in started to disappear. I picked up the call and greeted him with a taunt, "finally, you got the time to call me, huh?" I was glad that he called me. I was smiling again.

I still remember the day when I first met him; I was a little curious to meet him as my friend had told me many things about him. We all met on one beautiful evening sharing some snacks and catching up with each other. We were introduced to each other by our friend, and he seemed a bit shy at first. He didn't speak much, though, but something felt different about him. I was curious, and there were many pages to unfold. And here we are now sharing everything about each others life, and being the friend in need.

I will never forget the day when he wrote a poem for me. I had never seen his writing, and the poetry he wrote for me was so amazing, and I loved it so much, I rejoice in the poem whenever I read it. He made my day. I was looking for a printing shop to print a photo on a cup, and I had called him for help. He came, and we roamed finding the store, and finally, after hours of searching, we found the store and placed an order. It was noon, and I was hungry. We then went to eat some light delicacies, and soon we both were stomach full. I asked him if he can come with me to see the sunset, and he agreed. We then went on a mountain, which I often visit whenever I need some peace of mind. We both sat down looking and at Sun, setting down and capturing those moments into his camera. We talked for a while, and then we left for home. Later that night, he sent me a poem about our day, and I smiled. I was amazed by his words, and the way he put them into a poem was beautiful. And it went like this,

Tired, sleepy and sick,
Phone rings, gotta pick.

She calls me as she needed a printed cup, 
Thinking about the shops as I got up.

Picked her up from her place;
she looks beautiful, oh my grace.

We select the design, and she gives them to print,
We were hungry, and we couldn't sprint.

We went to a place we had some snacks,
It was a beautiful evening, but something lacked.

She took me too far away on the mountain,
To show me the beautiful sunset, I was stun.

We shared, and we talked, and we enjoyed the view,
I had a good time, so did you.

Day went so much different as I intend;
Thank you for such a lovely evening, my dear friend.

That was the first of the many poems he wrote for me. I am blessed to have him in my life. He cheers me up every time. Even when I want to share so much with him, I keep adoring him once he starts talking, and he makes me smile. We have had our share of rough times too, but we have always pulled through. I can go on and on about him, but you already get it. He's my friend, my guide, my cheerleader? All and all, I'm thankful to have him in my life.


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