Drunken Nights, Just Fights. Messed Up World, Mind Is Swirled.

       She slowly sat down on the edge of the cliff while holding a beer in her hand. She shouted at me, "Adi, you bitchass, come here. Sit sit sit down beside me." I walked to her while adjusting my hands into my jacket as the night got colder by the minute. She stretched her hands towards me and said, "Your majesty, sit here and tell me, oops, I forgot", and she laughed until I grabbed her palm with my mine, and I rested myself beside her. She gulped down a chunk of beer in one sip, and she laid her head on my shoulders. She went further and grabbed my arms, held them in hers. I got a little bit awkward as I had no clue what to do here. There was silence for a while. Finally, I gathered a little bit of courage to talk to her as I never shut up. I asked her, "Are you okay?" "No, I'm not. Life is just shit, and people don't care. They leave you when you need them the most," she replied in a trembling voice. "To be honest, I don't know. I've been trying to find that answer for years, and all I came to knew is that's the part of life." She nodded her head and replied, "Okay."

       As I could see remorse in her eyes, she was trying hard to forget everything. She grabbed her sling bag and took out a cigarette and a lighter. She tried to light up the smoke, and I asked her, "Isn't it too much for today?" She looked at me with a distinctive angry look. Her eyes were starting to fill with tears as she lightened up the cigarette and puffed it down her throat, and looked up in the sky. I stood up, and I began to walk towards my bike. She turned back and asked, "Aren't you gonna be here with me?" I replied, "I'm here with you, but you just want to be with your alcohol and cigarette, and honestly, I don't want to be near the smoke." She was pissed off. She drank the remaining beer and smoked out her cigarette completely. She threw down the bottle down the cliff and got up fiercely, walked towards me and said, "Drop me home, NOW."

              We shared a look for a minute, she looked just an angry Piplup, and it made me laugh. I tried controlling my laughter, but I failed miserably. She started to punch me as I kept laughing. She said, "I hate you so much, Adi, you uuughhhh why am I even friends with you? Stop laughing, you twat." I tried stopping my laughter, and I burst into a bigger one. She couldn't do a thing. She sat down on the road and pulled one more cigarette from her bag. I took the cigarette from her and threw it away. I scolded her, "That's enough! What is wrong with you? Why are you even hurting yourself? You are just polluting your mind with thoughts and your body with these ciggies and beer. And you want to keep doing until you forget everything. Well, spoiler alert!!! It's not going to work. If you care so much about him, get him. He didn't leave you because you hurt him; he left because you weren't the girl he loved. And recently, you are just doing these frequently." I took a breathe and continued, "He isn't perfect. No one is. He made mistakes too, and he is sorry for them. Can't you see it in his eyes? The connection you used to talk about that you two had was slowly fading away, and you both didn't try to build it again? Every time on and off, on and off, it's a relationship and not a switch button. He got fed up with everything, it was hurting him, and he was losing himself; I asked him to go away. I couldn't see you both hurting each other. You both are so fucking stubborn that no one tries to hear each other out. Even if you do, you both end up fighting. He had put up with you on so many occasions, or you are too blind to see it? You were trying in your way, but he doesn't know your way. He's different, and it was your duty to fucking explain him. You both are broken, and now I'm tired of explaining to you both how it all works. And one more thing, "Every relation has its age when the age is up the relation ends too." Fifteen minutes after that outrage, she said, "That last line was from Zakir Khan's stand-up special?" I looked at her annoyingly, and we started laughing. She came towards me and hugged me. I patted her and said, "There, there... I'm getting awkward now." She sat on my bike and said, "Can you take me to him?" "Gladly," I replied.

       A few hours later, while they were sorting out their problems, I headed by to my home. What happened to them? Well, I don't know. I came back home, turned on my PC and started writing. Not every story has an end, and I am not sure about it. I'll let you know when I know, leaving the rest of the story to your imagination.

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Image Courtesy: Pixabay


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