The Witch, The Hunter and the First Kiss

       The sky turned pinkish-blue as the sun went down, and the moon rose in the sky, and we were enjoying our cups of tea while playing a chess match. She had almost surrounded my king. I had counted the moves that I had left before I lost the game to her as she moves her pawn one step forward, and there she said, 'Check Mate.' And she started to show off with a dance move. Oh, how pleasing it was to see her enjoying her win over me. I stretched my hand towards her to congratulate her; we shook our hands. I proudly said, 'Good game, witch.' 'Indeed it was, hunter.' As she takes a sip of the Nawabi Chai that we ordered.

       We left for her hostel, and I gave her my jacket as it was pretty cold. She looked like a real witch. I was wiping off the dust of the seats, and she said, 'Adi.' I saw her stretching her right hand like a lady she needs to be escorted to the ride. I gladly did. She hugged me from behind, laid her head on my back as we were on the way to her hostel. We both were calm. But most importantly, we both were happy.

       Earlier in the morning, I woke up with excitement to spend some quality time with my witch. 'Good morning, boo. Wake up, Sunshine.' I texted her, and I started getting ready for the day. I had my breakfast and did my chores. 3 hours went by, I kept checking the phone every 10-15 minutes, waiting for her to reply. 'Good morning, baby.' She texted me back. We had a sweet conversation after that. We decided to meet at 1'o clock because she needs two hours to get ready up. I had a big laugh, but I'm thankful at least she's honest about it. An hour later, she texts me back, 'Can we meet up at 2'o clock?' And we argued a little, and we landed on 2. It's so difficult to fight with her, and she believes she keeps losing.

       I was waiting beneath her hostel as I got there on time. I called her, letting her know I'm here. She said, 'Be there in a minute. I'm wearing my heels.' And she took 5 more minutes. I sat on the bench nearby, trying to avoid sunlight as it was extremely harsh. She stomped her way downstairs as her 6 inch long heels generated a loud noise. We saw each other, and without even wasting a moment, we hugged tightly. 'Dude, I just came down 52 steps, oh god!' I laughed inside, thinking about Po from kung-fu panda and how much he hates stairs. 'Why are you smiling?' She asked, raising her left eyebrow. 'Nothing, just happy to see you. She then sneaks in a peck on my cheeks; gosh! She then wiped the lipstick mark off my cheeks. I felt such a relief; finally, we are going out. I continuously forget picking her up while we hug.

       The first thing on the list was to get a haircut as I lost a stupid bet to my friend a day before that. We went to a salon. I had no idea of which hairstyle to get because I've been growing my hair for the past three years, and now they were going to get the cut. I was nervous. Before hair cut, she suggested a hair wash, which was new to me as I never visited a salon before. I missed Aslam Bhai, my usual hair guy. She asked the guy from the salon to make my hair a lot shorter. I had a different but upsetting experience. I screamed no in my mind as he cut a good chunk of my hair with the first scissor attack. More on my haircut in another blog. After the abomination on my strands. The guy turned my chair towards her and asked her, is this okay. She nods her head and looks at me, and said, 'You look, cute baby.' I chose to believe her, but I couldn't look in the mirror properly. I lost something today. As we were about to leave the salon's premises, she held my hand and kissed me on the cheeks again, ensuring that I looked cute. We walked downstairs towards the parking, and I stopped, so she looked at me as I pulled her towards me and had a small lip on lip peck. She blushed a little though she won't admit it.

       We left for my home, of which she didn't have any idea. I wanted to surprise her. She held me from the back as it was a long way to go. We passed by a supercar showroom, and I asked her, 'Babe if you ever want to own a car, which would it be?' 'I don't know much about them, but if I ever want one, it would Beetle,' she answered. And I smiled wide. How much similar are we? For the past months, we are having lots and lots of jinxes. Whether it is about our feelings, our food, our jokes, and whatnot. But when she said the beetle, oh god! My brain had real stars in it. 'What, what the actual fuck? This, to one more jinx. I dreamed of having a beetle since I was a kid. I had seen it first at the showroom near Shimla Office bus depot.' I replied with excitement. We had our moment. Little did we know that was one of many that we were going to have later that day.

       I parked the moped outside my house, and she shockingly asked, ' Is this? Are we outside your home?' I said, 'Yes, come on up, I want to show something. Actually, no, you have seen it already, just come with me.' She walked the three stairs to the gates. We went straight to the terrace. 'So this is it, come around here. This is where I write most of my poems, and whenever I am sad, happy, or mad, I come here and sit looking up in the sky. Yesterday's good night poem right here, I wrote it right here.

       I said excitedly. She removed her heels while I told her about this place, which is on the rooftop between the two water tanks. 'Shall we sit here?' She asked. I nodded my head up and down. We sat there holding each other's hands. It was so peaceful. But I was too excited. I asked her can we dance, and she agreed. I played a song, and I don't even remember now because what followed occupied my mind. We started dancing together, moving around in circles, and we did the twirl, which ended up her being in my arms, and she turned towards me. We were close; we've never been this close. I could feel her breathe on mine. I was nervous. I looked at her. And we gently kissed. Our first kiss. And I didn't have any words. I was speechless. We went towards the stairs. Where we hugged, wrapping our arms around each other and just being in the moment, we kissed again till a point we went a little dizzy, and we practically fell towards the wall. I requested her to sit down and went two stairs down and hold on to her hands.

       We were smiling continuously. We shared a long, quiet hug. Everything about those moments was so special. We had shared many things before, our memories, secrets, and desires, but these moments had a remarkable impact on us. For the first time in years, I felt a kiss that was not merely lips touching lips. It was distinct and conveyed many emotions between us. The hug we shared felt so connected as our feelings were creating an aura around us. We knew our kisses will be different, but we didn't know these moments would make our bond more reliable and our soul twin connection deeper.

       Later that evening, after our 3 matches of chess, which I won 2-1 fair and square, we sat beside each other clicked some photos. I looked at her and started to talk about my feelings. My eyes were almost shedding a tear. She grasped my arms and said, 'Ssh baby, just be silent, don't talk.' She placed her head on my shoulders, letting me know that's it's okay. That she's here with me, and this moment matters. She loves me with all her heart, and this is magical. I had no words left. Believe me, I talk a lot and making me speechless. Not everyone can do it. And I'm running out of terms now. She got me, didn't she? Well, when she reads this, she will have a broad smile on her face feeling victorious. For all I know, I love being in the moment with her and create some hopelessly romantic yet stupid memories. I love you.


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