The Joyful One

       Have you ever met someone always happy? Who has a smile always on their face? Whenever you meet, it's a joyful aura every single time? Well, I've one friend who makes me feel happy and happier each time we talk.

       I didn't know her that well. I had just seen her in some of my classes or at some celebration of days in our institute. We were just a hi, bye friend. But I use to adore her. She was like a hopping rabbit and talking parrot fuse together. Sounds weird, I know, but once you know her, you'll know.

       My classes were almost finished. I was in search of some work or a job. It was entirely what to do and what not to do at a time of my life. Luckily, I had borrowed a camera from a friend, which always helped me get out of my house and make interesting conversations with strangers. It was past noon, I was about to sleep. I received a text from her asking, 'Dude, do you have a camera? Would you like to help me with a project?'

And without a second thought, I replied, 'Yes, when do we start.

She said, 'Tomorrow.'

'Done.' I was so excited to work with her.

       Later that night, I was traveling to my cousin's place, and my bike broke down. It was late-night, with no garage to be found nearby. I parked the bike on the side of the road while thinking of options. What could I do? Nothing came to mind.

       At last, I call her for a favor to park my bike at her place. She helpfully agreed. I dragged my bike from Pune University to F.C. Road. Took me 45 minutes. I was tired. I parked my bike, and then I shamelessly asked her, 'Can I take your moped for the night? I have a family function that I need to attend? I'll be back in the morning, then we'll start the shoot'. She said, 'Yes, sure, but get freshen up have some water. I was in a hurry. I had water, and then I left.

       The following day, I bought a Cadbury for her as Thank you. I reached her place. I was knocking at her door, and she was asleep. 10 minutes later, she opened the door, and the look on her face still reminds me of 'Please, I just need to sleep for 5 minutes. She started getting ready as I was checking up on the camera and the gears we had. Everything was set and done. We had breakfast, and then we left for the shoot. First, Shaniwar Wada. We selected a spot for our time-lapse, and we began. I was having fun and also learning some new things from her. We got the shots we needed. It was 1'o clock, and we returned home. She offered me Masala Oats, which I happily declined as I had never eaten oats in my life. She convinced me to eat them, and I'm glad she did. I ate a stomach full of them. For the next 6 days, we had the same schedule of early morning shoots, lunch at her place followed by her resting and editing the pictures, sometimes also watching Game of Thrones, and then again shooting in the evening. That week was so much of knowing her a little better than before. Though I made some mistakes in the shoot that resulted in her scolding me but not that much, I learned a lot. One day my grandmother had fried Pohe, which I packed in a tiffin box and have it to her for breakfast which later that day she shared with her niece and her mom. And next day, She said her mother praised the food and asked 'Who gave it to you?' to which she replied, 'My assistant director.' I smiled. I had a little recognition somewhere.

       One day we were at Mahatma Phule Mandai, and suddenly she wanted to shop for some vegetables as it was her small dream. We had two full bags of vegetables. I was amazed by her in many ways. We traveled all over Pune for the shoots. And the final shot we took was of sunset on Khadakwasla. We finally had a shot where we could relax and talk while the camera captures the beautiful sunset in front of us. I had to ask her. I've been holding this thought in my head.

'Hey, can I ask you something?' I nervously said.

'Anything dear.' She said with confidence.

'I was wondering how do you keep always smiling, and how come you are so cheerful never I've seen you upset?' I asked curiously.

'I do have problems, Adi, but I choose not to show them to anyone or, to put in simple words, I don't want them to reflect on my face.' She answered.

       I still didn't get it. I'm a bit of tube-light. Our shoot was a success. She got selected for a documentary filming course in the U.K. She left after 2 months. We were still in touch, sharing stupid stories. She graduated, and after 18 months, she was coming back. I was so excited to meet her. I was at Table Talk waiting for her, and there she comes with two big bags occupying her hands, to which I laughed, and we hugged for a while. I wanted to say many things, but that one hug said it all. After all, her hugs are the best. Pooja, I am fortunate to have you in my life. Sounds cheesy, I know. But I am. How would I ever learn my PJs were getting good or my knock-knock jokes are trash as always. Who would have told me my blogs are okay but can get better? Who would have told me to look after uttya? Well, he is a cute-faced animal. Whom could I count on my birthday to talk with me on video call for an hour while I was expecting a text from other friends?

       I've always admired you, tried to be like you, but it's tough, and finally accepted there can be the only one you. And don't you dare scare me holding another crocodile in your hand. Thank you. They say people are either a blessing or a lesson. In you, I have the happiest blessing ever.

Happy Friendship Day!!

P.S. Tell me more about the safari.

Follow Pooja on her journey...

And here am I, Creative_Insect


  1. Ammmm Noiceeee.... but tubelight toh tu bachan se hai 🤣

  2. She is an adorable person.And even I admire her


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