The Surprise for Us

       Early morning at 5:18 a.m. as I lounged on my bed to get a good nap after the whole night spent playing Fortnite. I texted good morning to everyone unique to me in one way or the other, and I dozed off. At 1:30 p.m., when I woke up. There were a few replies.

I texted a friend, "Let's meet today."

She replied, "All right, but where?"

"Our usual place," I said.

"Irani cafe at 3?" She asked.

"Done," I replied as I got up from bed to get ready.

       I had a big smile on my face. I was finally going to meet her after 2 months. I left home fifteen minutes before the meeting. On my way to the café, I took a detour to bring a camera from a friend. I reached 2 minutes late, I entered the restaurant. I didn't see her there. I took a sigh of relief as I arrived on time, which I would brag about later. Half an hour went by; she still hadn't shown up. Well, I was famished, so I ordered a Peach Iced Tea. She calls me, "Dude, where are you? I am waiting outside?" "Just come into the café. You will find me," I said.

       I got off from my table as she entered through the door; what a view it was. She arrived with her purse and a parcel in her hand and struggling to make her way to me. I greeted her with a hug as I took the package from her hand. She said, "Be delicate with it, please." We both sat down. And I asked, "What's in it?" She said as she raised her eyebrows, "You know, my new makeup kit." I burst into a laugh. She took the parcel and tried to open it with her moped keys. I was staring at her as she struggled so hard to get rid of the tapes on the package. I asked, "May I?" She hands over the parcel to me. I leaned towards my backpack to grab a pair of scissors, and she looks at me with the most typical angry face, "You had scissors all this time, and you didn't even tell me." I laughed and answered, "It's funny to watch you waste efforts" As we popped through the bubbles on the bubble wrap, there were just three mini-sized boxes of eye shadows. I asked her, "This much packing for these three palettes?" "Told ya, they are delicate." She says as she picks all three and adores it as if she was going to put them right on at that moment. She was so happy. Finally, she realized she had to order something to eat. She orders Irani chai and a walnut cake while I meddled in for a grilled sandwich.

       She looked at me and said, "Do you want to hear the good news?" I looked at her, and it sparked in my mind. "No, you didn't do THAT, did you? Are you serious?" I asked her in shock. She blushed and said, "Ya, I said yes to the guy I met last Sunday." As I kept the glass of ice tea on the table to process the news I just heard. As an opportunist, she chugs down the remaining Irani tea. I glanced at her for a while as I went down memory lane. I had never seen her so happy ever since the day she passed out from her board exams.

       I was curious to know about everything, how it went down. She told me everything about the guy. How both of their families met? And everything else. I kept biting on my sandwich because she wanted me to eat fast as she knows if I start talking, I'll keep talking for hours and forget about the sandwich after completing her entire story. We fed each other some walnut cake. She looked at me and said, "Your turn, go." I told her about what was going on with me, gaming, editing, and a few other things. Tragedy, irony, and comedy as I was going through all of it.

       A notification tone rang, she received a text from the guy, she blushed and looked at me and said, "Adi, you're the first person I'm telling this to, that I am getting engaged on the 2nd of March. I want you to be there with me. Can you believe 11 days, just 11? Oh my god! I have so much to do." She was full of mixed feelings but mostly happy. I held her hands and said, "Congratulations stupid, I mean, how did you get a guy to marry you. Weird. God bless him."

       I was happy for her; I still am. As I know, the past few years, she has gone through terrible things. Seeing her this happy again, even I kept smiling a lot. We then went to the sunset point to captures some pictures of her. As the sun started to go down, we sat down, looking at the sun and reminiscing the moments we spent together since 2009. We both have come a long way. We both have had fights; we had done crazy things in the past. We also went through a massive misunderstanding, but as the years passed by, we hold onto each other. And now we're both here. She is going to get married in months. I am going to miss her a lot. At the end of the evening, we hugged for a while. The day was made.

       I have written poems for her before, But this is my first blog. As she is going to jump into a well called 'Marriage.'


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