
       It was 4 a.m. I was awake. Well, to be accurate, it's my daily time to sleep for the last 3 years. But today was different; I couldn't sleep. So I walked towards the terrace, sat on a chair, and enjoyed the morning cold breeze. It was dark. Streetlights were off due to the power cut. I looked up in the sky, and the moon was nowhere to be found. Just a few stars are visible to my naked eye. I was shivering.

I closed my eyes as I just wanted to sleep. But then, thoughts started running through my head. Everything that I had been through and what made me what I am. I hate it when I keep thinking, and the results are none. I landed on one specific word after that, "Secrets."

Secrets, we all have at least one, right?

Well, I have many. Some were mine, and some were from my friends. After all, I am cursed with not forgetting the words people said to me. I randomly thought of friends each and everyone had told me their secrets. I was confused. Am I that trustworthy? My friends had those answers, and I intend not to ask them. The funny thing is we keep the secret from the people you most want to tell.

Are secrets a burden, or are they just don't suppose to come out? Thinking of it, we should have little secrets, or we are only an open book. And there will be no curiosity left to know. But if we don't have secrets, it will be better to know each other. What do you think?

I thought of it so much in that early morning, shivering in the cold while I just wanted to sleep, and now I am writing about it have no idea where is this leading me?

Maybe a new secret.


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