
Showing posts from June, 2018

Rhythm Freak

       It was past one at night. My friends and I were walking on J.M. Road after having a meal at McDonald's. We passed a bunch of guys who were playing guitar and singing songs. I so wanted to hear it. But we went further, sat on a bench, and were rejoicing the birthday of Shital.        And then, I heard the words, "Albela Sajan." I couldn't help myself. I took my camera and walked toward them. I asked them, "Can I take some photos of you?" One of the guys replied, "Sure, in fact, shoot a video." I was glad. After a song, he introduced himself, Mangesh, and his band Rhythm Freak. And would you know they were also celebrating the birthday of their friend Shubham, The guitarist? Mangesh invited us to join them to listen and observe the night.        A few songs, smiles, and a lot of memories. The night could not have been better. We shared the Cake with them and called it a night.        Sometimes you meet people, and it creates something magical.

The Wait for Dosa

       A beautiful Sunday morning. I woke up to a mesmerizing view of the sunrise with a background chirping sparrows. I got ready as I had to go to Shital's place to write a script and she was going to help me with it. I rode my bike in a hurry. I took the route from FC road, and as I passed Vaishali, the smell of south Indian dishes attracted me, but I had to pass on. I was on her doorstep, knocking on the door continuously. And then there she was with her hair messed up, her sleepy eyes, a smile on her face, and she said, "Good morning." I replied the same. She welcomed me into the house and then served me a glass of water. I sat on the couch, going through my notes while she was getting ready.        I was hungry. So I asked Shital for breakfast at some restaurant. She agreed. I so wanted to eat Dosa, so I insisted on it. We went near Bharati Vidyapeeth as there are many food stalls. But what I see, stalls were still closed. She started laughing and said, "T


        It was 4 a.m. I was awake. Well, to be accurate, it's my daily time to sleep for the last 3 years. But today was different; I couldn't sleep. So I walked towards the terrace, sat on a chair, and enjoyed the morning cold breeze. It was dark. Streetlights were off due to the power cut. I looked up in the sky, and the moon was nowhere to be found. Just a few stars are visible to my naked eye. I was shivering. I closed my eyes as I just wanted to sleep. But then, thoughts started running through my head. Everything that I had been through and what made me what I am. I hate it when I keep thinking, and the results are none. I landed on one specific word after that, "Secrets." Secrets, we all have at least one, right? Well, I have many. Some were mine, and some were from my friends. After all, I am cursed with not forgetting the words people said to me. I randomly thought of friends each and everyone had told me their secrets. I was confused. Am I that