
Showing posts from August, 2020


        One year ago, I texted a girl, not knowing it was her birthday; I'm glad that I did. Here we are, madly in love, being with each other in all the ups and downs. She became a vital part of my life, and now I can't even imagine a life without her.         We started talking, and I was keen on finding a common interest. However, we always argued about our opinions, and we still do. It's funny looking back; we had debates over movies, songs, books, comics, and so many things. Finally, the day came when we decided to meet, and I did not go because of the rain. She was so angry at me as I didn't even inform her, and honestly, I was nervous. This happened twice, but the third time's the charm. We met without deciding I showed up beneath her hostel after finding it over maps, and as soon as she saw me, she came towards me and hugged me, and I didn't; I was way too shy back then. I was so happy to be able to meet her finally.         Time passed by. We started me

The Stupid & The Fur-midable Cat

Today 10 minutes after midnight, I rushed towards my rooftop. I was feeling anxious. I just needed some fresh air. Unfortunately, It was raining heavily, so I sat on the stairs and; I puked. I wasn't feeling well; everything happened in a fraction of minutes, and I couldn't help myself. I was trying to get ahold of myself, and I heard constant chirrups from the cat, who has been visiting us for a month. The cat was outside the door of the rooftop, and I quickly let him in. He was shivering with cold. I held him in my arms while I rubbed his back to create some warmth. I took him downstairs and rested him in the box house that my grandfather made for him. I was back on the rooftop, not caring for the rain as I stood in the rain trying; to calm myself down. After a while, when I came back to my room, I checked on the cat, and; he was sleeping well. It struck me in a spur of a moment; I held a cat in my hand, and it was quite astonishing for me. I am scared of pet a