
Showing posts from April, 2020

There For Me

       I closed the curtain behind me and sat down on the couch, wondering about my life and how I got myself in this situation. A drop of tear shed from my left eye-rolling down my face. I succumbed to my darkness. My phone began to ring, I looked over the name on the screen it was him, and unknowingly all the sadness I was drowned in started to disappear. I picked up the call and greeted him with a taunt, "finally, you got the time to call me, huh?" I was glad that he called me. I was smiling again. I still remember the day when I first met him; I was a little curious to meet him as my friend had told me many things about him. We all met on one beautiful evening sharing some snacks and catching up with each other. We were introduced to each other by our friend, and he seemed a bit shy at first. He didn't speak much, though, but something felt different about him. I was curious, and there were many pages to unfold. And here we are now sharing everything about each o