
Showing posts from January, 2020

Finding Me

       On New Year's Eve, I was sitting on my rooftop watching the stars. While the rest of the world was getting ready to welcome the new year, I sought peace in the stars. I was going through many ups and downs, and I still am, but that's how life is. Things happen to you when you least expect them. So get ready now. I am taking you on a journey of self-discovery that I had in the past few weeks. Tighten your seat belts and grab on tight to your smartphone; we have a roller coaster that's leaving in 3... 2... 1... Let's go!!!        During the last week of 2019, I got a job as a content writer. I am happy, but it also sucks that I have to write for a business firm that I eventually wanted to write for. All things aside, I love this new aspect in writing, and I am learning a lot and making silly grammatical mistakes that my team always points out. Grammar Nazis. I can feel the change in my writing ever since.        Secondly, somehow a guitar has found its way to my ho