
Showing posts from December, 2019

Broken Things, Broken Hearts

       It was the full moon night; I was up on my rooftop at midnight at 12:12 am on 12/12. Felt like it's all meant to be. I sat down and kept observing the moon with a broad smile on my face and heartbeats slow as a snail. I played Bohemian Rhapsody that sent shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes. I decided to complete this blog of which I had just had a title in my mind, and now, here am I writing about broken things in life. Are you eager for this journey? ….Sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in my shoes.        As many of you may know, I never lived with my parents. Unlike my sister, who always had stayed with them. No wonder she recognized them better than me. I used to see my parents every year either on my summer vacation or Diwali. I was never able to bond with them. As a child, I never thought about this much, but as time passed by, I had these small realizations. All of my friends gathered around every Monday at school and told us all about their weekends and how th