
Showing posts from June, 2019

Long Gone

       I was going to upload another blog today, but I decided to do this one first. The last few days were emotional rides. I just completed 25 years of my life, and I feel so old. I can so relate to joey from friends, 'WHY GOD WHY, we had a deal? Let my friends grow up, not ME?'        I want to go back in time. When are we going to build the time machine? God! I am still a kid. 4 years back, I met these stupid people who became my friends later on, and as time passed, they became my life. I can't imagine my days without them, and now I have to deal with the fact that I have to.        When I was new at MAAC, I found it weird a place filled with so many characters I cannot believe were students. One of them was Utkarsh. A guy who always looked at me as if he is angry, trying to intimidate me. Well, he still has that look, and it is never going to change. He was studious, and I felt I would never have fun with this guy. Like, come on, I wanted to use a PC for practice, and